Trying to decipher my way
आरम्भ है प्रचंड
बोले मस्तकों के झुण्ड
आज जंग की घडी की तुम गुहार दो
आन बाण शान या की जान का हो दान
आज इक धनुष के बाण पे उतार दो
आरम्भ है प्रचंड
You have to have a big start today, but there are many thoughts. This war demands you to sacrifice love, life and lust. But dont let those thoughts deter your decision making. Let it be a one shot decision, let go of the inconsistencies and uncertainties and just do it
मन करे सो प्राण दे
जो मन करे सो प्राण ले
वही तो एक सर्वशक्तिमान है
कृष्ण की पुकार है
ये भगवत का सार है
की युद्ध ही तो वीर का प्रमाण है
कौरवों की भीड़ हो या
पांडवों का नीद हो
जो लड़ सका है वोही तो महान है
Although whether there is God or not, the power of life lies absolutely with the one who has the ability to create. Power is not to govern or rule, but to be able to differentiate yourself from the weak. One who wins in the end has the power to showcase, but one who fights till the end is the most powerful, from the inside.
जीत की हवस नहीं
किसी पे कोई वश नहीं
कया ज़िन्दगी है ठोकरों पे मार दो
मौत अंत है नहीं
तो मौत से भी क्यूँ डरे
ये जाके आसमान में दहाड़ दो
आरम्भ है प्रचंड…
Winning isn’t everything. Because you can’t fix winning. So what if you see a failure, you aren’t supposed to give up at all. Die but die gracefully, Bapu did that. He knew he was gonna die in that period of 2-3 weeks. He made up his mind for the “Hey Ram”. But he did not leave what he was doing. He made a point to get the voice, not his own, but of his followers reach the white ears
हो दया का भाव
या की शौर्य का चुनाव
या की हार का वो घाव
तुम ये सोच लों
या की पूरे भाल पर
जला रहे विजय का
लाल लाल ये गुलाल
तुम ये सोच लों
रंग केसरी हो या
मृदंग केसरी हो या
की केसरी हो ताल
तुम ये सोच लों
जिस कवी की कल्पना में
ज़िन्दगी हो प्रेम गीत
उस कवी को आज तुम नकार दो
भीगती नसों में आज
फूलती रगों में आज
आग की लापत का तुम बघार दो
आरम्भ है प्रचंड…
If your friends tell you that this life is just to be “enjoyed” leave that friend. He is not a friend. He is a foe is disguise, unknown to you and unknown to himself, because he does not know the facts of life. Life is to be lived with the war, the war to accept failure and keep fighting for the win.
Let the brave inside you come out time and again, to bring about change, revolution and revolt. No matter how small, but if it is changing or creating a new path, it is significant.
A road, that is less of thorns and rocks is a road that is just not made for the man, its made for the snails and make sure you are not one of them.