Sunday, November 18, 2007

Linux Mint and Windows Vista ~ (Info) Dual Boot-2

Nov 18,2007
So I am back here after having a rough time with my system after I did the above installs.
My system crashed after I installed another OS called Centos and tried one more...
I had taken backup of whole data so it did not cost me much except precious time of my life....
SO then the issue was like this...
I reinstalled two times the same OS(mint) and had mounted partitions from windows here too.
But then I dont know y it happened.
After the third install...OS did not let me unmount it...
None of them...
So then I tried reinstalling another OS and then too I was failure...

Next thing I did was restoring the Vista from my recovery CD, but then it also hung...
I suppose this happened because the unmounted partitions were not kind of free...

So I created a new disc image from Linux Mint installation on the whole disc ( which I did unknowingly or accidently without looking at the note that this would erase all the data on my HDD)
So I was left with a system not more than a machine minus OS...

Next thing is back to restoring Vista...
I could do it now...Successfully did it(created three primary paritions)

So today after I completed my CAT exam(which was My God very very hard and threatening kind of) I sat down installing Mint again....
Installed mint on third primary part and then installed SUSE 10 on additional logical partition I had to create...

The GRUB boot loaded, is showing all three systems now during boot....
Congratulations to me...

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